Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Husker Season and my First Appearance!

Hello everyone!

It has been an exciting and busy month since I was crowned Miss Lincoln back in August! A week after the pageant was the first Husker game of the season and the two weekends following were also Husker home games! As the baton twirler (and part of the marching band) it takes a lot of work to have three different halftime shows ready three weeks in a row! We finally have a little break before our next home game and I must say it feels great to relax just a little bit!

Here I am with one of the Cornhusker Marching Band Drum Majors!

God Ol' Herbie

The second game of the season was the alumni band performance so I got to twirl with my sisters, it is always so much fun to perform with them at a game!


The media caught this picture of me and I love the scene!

Another one of the Drum Majors!

I am VERY excited to announce that after three years of trying, I am finally being allowed to twirl FIRE at a Husker home game! I have been twirling fire for 10 years and I twirled fire at my high school football games, so I am excited to finally share that with the Husker nation!

Along with Husker football season being underway, I have also started preparing for Miss Nebraska (never too early to start!) I have written out my goals for the year and hope to accomplish all of them and then some! I had my first appearance as Miss Lincoln on Sunday (September 18). The event was "Knock Out Against Hunger" and what an event it was! There were over 200 people that showed up to play a huge game of knock out, as well as package food for Kids Against Hunger! I was joined by Miss Nebraska, Kayla Batt, and we started a pretty fun dance party if I might say so myself! The event was so much fun and I am so excited and thrilled that that event went so well under rainy weather conditions! I got to meet a lot of wonderful people and had a great time! Kids Against Hunger is a wonderful organization and I think the event proved that rain or shine, there are so many people who are willing to come together and help out such a great cause!

Come of the Creighton Basketball players showed up!

With Kelsey Joseph, who organized the event, and Kayla Batt, Miss Nebraska!

Kayla and I dancing up a storm!

Some of my dance party friends!

The Jays jumped in for a game of knock out with some of the kids!

Mayor Jim Suttle said a few words with regards to children's hunger around the world.

The packaged food, ready to ship!

It has been a crazy month, but I am ready to keep going! Who knows what September and October will bring! Lots of events, practicing, preparing, and memories I'm sure! 

I'll post again soon!

Miss Lincoln 2011

Inspirational Video of the Day: